Category: Behavior Library
We’re all a little bit lazy. Providing users with a default can prompt them to stick with your recommended choice and encourages them to act. Default prepopulation Facebook Yelp LinkedIn Message automatically populated by LinkedIn chat function
We like to keep our commitments. Asking users to make commitments can increase the likelihood of action. Jawbone OpenTable
Loss Aversion
We act to avoid losses more quickly than we act to achieve gains. Framing a gain as a loss can spur action. Jawbone Amazon Delta Several effects at play here, but the loss aversion frame is strongest Uber Amazon Verizon
Social Norms
We seek cues from others. Showing users what their peers do can make them more likely to act. Jawbone Amazon Headspace TripAdvisor Basecamp Geico Rise Runkeeper Expedia Opower Amazon Unknown Meetup New York State Taxes 23andMe